Lights, Camera, Action...

Take 1
Intern Julie Lew takes us behind scenes

Time for Dinner
The families of the brides meet for the first time ... with disastrous consequences!

Behind the Camera
Director Jessica Scalise and cinematographer Sean Brown taking care of business.

Zoe in Trouble ... Again
Zoe and her best friend Francis also taking care of business. In this case, business means digging a grave in the middle of the wedding site.

Family Bonding ... in Jail
The whole bridal party ends up in jail in one of their lower moments.

Francis gets in character.

The Brides
Zilla and Lu regroup as their wedding goes steadily off the rails.

Coming Out
The family learns Zilla is gay and handles it ... not fantastically.
The Making of a Murder
Incredible Head Makeup Artist Amber Arpin transitions seamlessly between horror gore and wedding frills.

Zombie Bride
Sometimes Horror Gore and Wedding Frills intersect.
It was a Mash ...
It was a Monnnnnnster Mash.

Keep Portland Weird!
It's the town slogan ... and we're trying our best!